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According collaboration agreement was signed day 2 April 2013 between M. of Justice and the General Council of Notaries proceeded to swear the charge of Spanish nationality to notaries. It is one of the measures of the Plan records Intensive Spanish Nationality. The General Council of Notaries following web enabled (http://nacionalidad.notariado.org ) SEE PROCESS notarized oath of citizenship

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El Gobierno dará la residencia a los extranjeros que compren viviendas en España

The Government will give the residence to foreigners who buy homes in Spain

This plan requires Affairs to streamline visa procedures for foreigners who need to enter Spain and simplifying entry requirements when the visa is waived. García-Margallo, Foreign Minister explained that they are accelerating residence permits for foreigners who buy property in Spain, homes whose fate is difficult to place without foreign demand.

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Consulta legal Renovacion de residencia con cambio de domicilio (empadronamiento)

Legal Consultation Renewal of residence address change (census)

  Consulta legal:. Good morning. I just signed up to your newsletter, and would like to make an inquiry: I am Spanish, and my girlfriend Guinea. It takes more than 6 years in Spain. It was brought by his mother (hold) having Spanish nationality. So far it has been renewing their livelihoods claiming residence of his mother and the mother enumeration (using the reg. Ownership of the house of his mother).

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Consulta Legal Conseguir la nacionalidad española por mis abuelos

Legal Advice Getting the Spanish nationality by my grandparents

See notice: Hello my grandparents on his mother were born in Spain and would I have to take Spanish citizenship original passports when they entered the country, but call the Spanish embassy and was told that the deadline had already expired 27 December 2011.

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RESIDENCE (Released, Card) in Spain

Residence card

The visas enable residence to reside in Spain without performing work activities. There are several types of visas: residence visas non-profit and residence visas for family reunification in the general scheme. Also, in this section may include visas for family reunification in the Community scheme.

Visa non-profit residence. Enables the holder to reside in Spain for a period exceeding 90 days but unable to perform any gainful activity.

Residence visa for family reunification in the general scheme. Entitles the holder (family of a foreign citizen legally resident in Spain) to reside in Spain for a period exceeding 90 days.

Visa for family reunification in REGIME Community. Entitles the holder (family of a citizen of the European Union, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway or Switzerland living in Spain) to regroup with his family in Spain.

Work and residence card

Enable them to live and work in Spain. There are different types of work and residence visa:

Residence card and paid employment. Entitles the holder (higher 16 years old) to reside temporarily in Spain (por a period superior to 90 days) and to engage in a gainful, labor or profesional, for others. The employer must have obtained in the Government Delegation or Sub competent initial authorization for temporary residence and work for others.

Residence card and self-employment. Entitles the holder (higher 16 years old) to reside temporarily in Spain (por a period superior to 90 days) and to engage in a gainful, labor or profesional, self.

Authorization to reside and work in the context of transnational services. Entitles the holder (higher 16 years old) to reside temporarily in Spain (por a period superior to 90 days) and to engage in a gainful, labor or profesional, in the framework of a transnational provision of services to a company established in a state outside the European Union or the European Economic Area.

Residence permit with the exception of work authorization. Entitles the holder (higher 16 years old) to reside temporarily in Spain and to pursue activities other than work authorization (see the potential beneficiaries in requirements: Researchers, teachers, artists, Religious, etc.). The applicant does not need an initial authorization for temporary residence and work to get this visa.

We manage all types of permits and visas.


Your Latino Lawyers.

3 thoughts on “RESIDENCE
  • Oscar Agudelo says:

    Buenas tardes quiero saber q tiempo demora en entregar la residencia despues de colocar las huellas en la policia,,, si es posible que la den en 15 dias ya q tengo una emergencia familiar y me urge viajar a mi pais,, gracias. la toma de huellas las hice en Barcelona.

    • Narek says:

      hola soy francisco jaeivr de pereira y me gustaria trabajr en consultor junior de mallorca me gusta tener las ganas de aprender y adquirir experiencia laboral y me gusta tener metas y tener vision me gustria que tengo que hacer para ingreasar y en donde esta ubicado la sede

    • Andry says:

      Hello! Yo soy de Venezuela. A mi me otorgaron la Visa de Estudiante por 8 months (voy por un curso de ieglns de 25 semanas, 20 horas semanales). Yo pedi que me la dieran con la variante para trabajar, pero en la etiqueta me colocaron que no puedo trabajar. Mi intension es ir poco a poco estableciendome para quedarme a vivir. Vi en la pagina de INZ que hay una planilla para solicitar cambios en las condiciones de la Visa, es decir, yo con mi Visa de Estudiante puedo pedir la extension para trabajar. Mi pregunta es, debo esperar algun tiempo para esta solicitud o apenas llegue puedo tramitarlo? Para ese cambio en las condiciones de la Visa debo presentar el IELTS? Thank You!

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