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According collaboration agreement was signed day 2 April 2013 between M. of Justice and the General Council of Notaries proceeded to swear the charge of Spanish nationality to notaries. It is one of the measures of the Plan records Intensive Spanish Nationality. The General Council of Notaries following web enabled (http://nacionalidad.notariado.org ) SEE PROCESS notarized oath of citizenship

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El Gobierno dará la residencia a los extranjeros que compren viviendas en España

The Government will give the residence to foreigners who buy homes in Spain

This plan requires Affairs to streamline visa procedures for foreigners who need to enter Spain and simplifying entry requirements when the visa is waived. García-Margallo, Foreign Minister explained that they are accelerating residence permits for foreigners who buy property in Spain, homes whose fate is difficult to place without foreign demand.

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Consulta legal Renovacion de residencia con cambio de domicilio (empadronamiento)

Legal Consultation Renewal of residence address change (census)

  Consulta legal:. Good morning. I just signed up to your newsletter, and would like to make an inquiry: I am Spanish, and my girlfriend Guinea. It takes more than 6 years in Spain. It was brought by his mother (hold) having Spanish nationality. So far it has been renewing their livelihoods claiming residence of his mother and the mother enumeration (using the reg. Ownership of the house of his mother).

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Consulta Legal Conseguir la nacionalidad española por mis abuelos

Legal Advice Getting the Spanish nationality by my grandparents

See notice: Hello my grandparents on his mother were born in Spain and would I have to take Spanish citizenship original passports when they entered the country, but call the Spanish embassy and was told that the deadline had already expired 27 December 2011.

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Replies legal consultations

See notice: Buenos días, quisiera saber si los gastos relativos a la comunidad corresponden al arrendador o al arrendatario. ¿Cuales serían, legalmente, los gastos que corresponden al arrendatario?

Muchas gracias.

Ho bisogno di sapere quali sono le spese nelle quali incorre per legge il locatario di un immobile. È vero che la comunità tocca al proprietario della casa?



Foto albaReply: Buenos días, no existen gastos de obligatorio pago por el arrendatario en la Ley de Arrendamientos Urbanos. Normalmente son en las cláusulas del contrato de arrendamiento donde se recogen los gastos y cargas que corresponden al arrendador y al arrendatario, por lo tanto existe libertad de pacto en este sentido. En el tema concreto de los gastos de comunidad ocurre como le indico, que puede hacerse cargo tanto el arrendador como el arrendatario, por lo que habrá que atenderse a lo estipulado en las clausulas contractuales.

Buongiorno, non ci sono spese obbligatorie che il locatorio deve pagare previste nella Ley de Arrendamientios Urbanos. Di solito è nei termini del contratto di locazione dove sono raccolti i costi e le spese che corrispondono al locatore e al locatario, per cui c’è libertà di patto in questo senso. Sulla questione specifica del costo della comunità si fa come Le ho appena detto, è possibile che si facciano carico sia il proprietario che l’inquilino, di modo che bisogna attenersi a quanto previsto nelle clausole contrattuali.

Reciba un cordial saludo.

A. Ríos.
807 464 712